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Adrenum 50m

Adrenum 50m

Regular price $31.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $31.00 CAD
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Biomed Adrenum 50 ml:

Adrenal Support, Stress, Fatigue.
Adrenum is a homeopathic preparation formulated to support the adrenal glands. It can be used for symptoms of stress including exhaustion, fatigue, lack of motivation and weakness.
As this formula works to revitalize and recharge the body’s energy levels naturally, it is effective for adrenal stress, adrenal fatigue, nerve weakness (neurasthenia), nervous exhaustion, weakness and collapse, debility, and mental depression.

Adrenum also contains micro-nutritional components that help to increase functions of the cerebro-spinal system, sympathetic nervous system, and vascular activity. These assist in a marked improvement in cases of drowsiness, mental depression, forgetfulness, over-sensitivity and over-excitability.


Each 100 ml Contains:
Anacardium orientale D3
10 ml
Aralia quinquefolia D3
20 ml
Avena sativa D3
5 mg
Caffeinum D3
8 ml
Camphora D2
2 ml
Selenium metallicum D8
20 ml
Sterculia acuminate D2
10 ml
Zincum metallicum D8
10 ml

Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Ethanol

Suitable for vegetarians.

Recommended Use

Suggested Dose: Take 25 to 30 drops in water three times daily or to be used on the advice of a health care practitioner.

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