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Biomed Solidago 50 ml

Biomed Solidago 50 ml

Regular price $38.61 CAD
Regular price Sale price $38.61 CAD
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Biomed Solidago 50 ml:


Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Tract Conditions.

Solidago is a homeopathic combination formulated for the urinary bladder, urinary tract and kidneys. It is recommended for all kidney affections and acute and chronic infections of the urethra, pyelitis, cystitis, urine retention and prostate conditions. Solidago works through anti-inflammatory effects, by stimulating diuresis and excretion of matter eliminated with the urine, stops cramps of the urinary passages, protects the epithelium coating and prevents the formation of crystallized materials.

Other common symptoms that Solidago can be used for include burning in the urethra, pain or burning during or at the end of urination, frequent urination or urging, bloody urine or discharge, enuresis, prostate hypertrophy, and renal colic.


100 ml contains:
D8 2.5 ml
D4 2.5 ml
Herniaria glabra
D1 30 ml
Pareira brava
D3 5.0 ml
Populus tremuloides
D2 2.5 ml
Sabal serrulata
D1 2.5 ml
Solidago virgaurea
D1 30 ml
D3 2.5 ml
D6 2.5 ml
Uva ursi
D1 20 ml

Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Ethanol , purified water.

Recommended Use

Suggested Dose: Take 40 drops in water three times daily or to be used on the advice of a health care practitioner.

For Acute Conditions : Take 40 drops in water five times daily.

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