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Carduus by Biomed 50ml

Carduus by Biomed 50ml

Regular price $33.99 CAD
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Carduus is a homeopathic combination primarily for gallbladder conditions with secondary effects on the liver. It is used for acute, sub-acute and chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder with emphasis on gallbladder conditions, constipation, stasis of the portal vein, hemorrhoids, hepatopathy with constipation and difficulty in fat digestion.

Carduus works by improving bile secretion, which in turn improves fat digestion, relieves constipation from increased intestinal peristalsis and helps remove small gallstones (gravel). It also has anti-spasmodic effects and stimulates the blood flow in the portal vein.

"One of my favourite products is Carduus. I treat a number of patients in my practice with digestive issues and I find Carduus is extremely helpful for those patients who are experiencing constipation. Since Carduus helps to support proper bile flow, it plays an important role in improving bowel movements."

~ Dr. Melina Roberts, Naturopathic Doctor. Calgary, Alberta


Consult a healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen. Consult a healthcare practitioner before use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.



Each 100 ml contains:
• Berberis vulgaris D2 2.0 ml
• Carduus marianus D1 5.0 ml
• Cascara sagrada (Rhamnus purshianus) D1 73 ml
• Chelidonium majus D1 5.0 ml
• Cuprum metallicum D8 2.0 ml
• Leptandra virginica D2 2.0 ml
• Magnesia phosphorica D8 2.0 ml
• Myrica cerifera D2 2.0 ml
• Natrium sulfuricum D6 2.0 ml
• Taraxacum officinale D1 5.0 ml
Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• Purified water, ethanol

Recommended Use

Take 35 drops in water three times daily 20 minutes before meals, or to be used on the advice of a health care practitioner.

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