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Living Alchemy Your Flora Comfort 60 Capsules

Living Alchemy Your Flora Comfort 60 Capsules

Regular price $37.99 CAD
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Your Flora COMFORT combines our fermented 35 Strain Kefir-Kombucha Fermentation Symbiotic with organic chamomile and fennel seed specifically for those requiring gut flora support with digestive gas and bloating or cramping.

An imbalance of digestive microflora can cause gas and bloating. Kefi-Soy™ helps create a natural harmony of microflora in the digestive tract by providing an optimal amount of micro-organisms within their own environment. This is the most productive way to create this balance and support digestive comfort.


We use a natural and traditional Kefir-Kombucha fermentation process of organic whole foods. This method creates a variety of beneficial and strong micro-organisms that can survive in your digestive tract. Human study has shown that Your Flora® has a 80% microorganism survival rate.

After a long fermentation period, the product is sent into a freeze-drying chamber for drying. The process removes all water and moisture, and at the same time, preserve the micro-organisms and activated nutrients. We add in select organic whole herbs to compliment specific health needs.

Then finally we use a slow semi-automatic encapsulator which allows us to avoid adding any fillers or binders. The final products are as clean as they can get.

The Symbiotic Approach

More CFU is not the key to healthy gut, the environment is!

Nourish – with key nutrients
Restore – with healthy microbes
Build – with prebiotics and enzymes
Support – with targeted herbs


Medicinal Ingredients

Kefi-Soy™: Organic Fermented Soybean
(Glycine max, seed)133.3mg
(fermented with 35 strains of therapeutic micro-organisms)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae3.33 million CFU
(whole cell)
Therapeutic Herb Blend

Organic Chamomile133.3mg

(Matricaria recutita, flower)

Organic Fennel133.3mg

(Foeniculum vulgare, seed)

Non-medicinal Ingredients

Organic Pullulan Capsule

Recommended Use

Adults: Take 1-3 capsules daily with or without food.

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