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Unda – Prunus Amygdalus (BUD) 4.2 fl oz (125 ml) – Gemmo

Unda – Prunus Amygdalus (BUD) 4.2 fl oz (125 ml) – Gemmo

Regular price $41.25 CAD
Regular price Sale price $41.25 CAD
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Prunus Amygdalus Bud is useful for lowering triglycerides. It is indicated for conditions such as hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia and arteriosclerosis.

Gemmotherapy uses the extracts of fresh buds, young shoots, rootlets, or saps from developing plants, where the plant?s life essence is at its peak in the young growths. UNDA Gemmotherapy remedies are prepared in a natural glycerin and organic ethanol medium, which is then filtered and potentized at a 1/10th dilution (1X Hahnemannian) in a pure water, natural glycerin and organic ethanol medium. These complex remedies are macerated for increased patient compliance. This methodology captures the most complete set of highly-concentrated active constituents necessary for tissue regeneration, favourable growth development and essential drainage properties. UNDA Gemmotherapy facilitates Biotherapeutic Drainage? and is an excellent adjunct to the UNDA Numbered Compounds.
Established over half a century ago in Belgium, UNDA is renowned for manufacturing exceptional homeopathic products utilized in supporting immune, lymphatic and endocrine systems. In the production of all homeopathic remedies UNDA uses only pure materials and herbs that are biodynamically grown or wildcrafted. UNDA produces a broad range of homeopathic products in various potencies including: the unique Numbered Compounds, Gemmotherapy macerates, Sch?essler Tissue Salts, Gammadyn Oligo-Elements, Organotherapy, Plexes, creams and oils, as well as homeopathic compatible dental care.




Each Drop (0.025 ml) Contains / Chaque goutte (0,025 ml) contient:

Almond (Prunus amygdalus) Bud Extract (1:200) . . . . . . . . 0.025 ml
0.125 mg Dried Equivalent
Extrait de bourgeons d’amandier (Prunus amygdalus) (1:200) . . .0,025 ml
?quivalent en poids sec de 0,125 mg

Other Ingredients

Glycerin, ethanol (beet), purified water

Recommended Use


Adults and Children (over 12 years):Take 50 drops (1.25 ml) three times daily in a small amount of water, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.

Risk Info

If symptoms persist or worsen, consult your healthcare practitioner. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your healthcare practitioner

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